Active members of the Aboriginal community, who are over the age of 18 can apply to be a voting member of Access Services for Koories Ltd, trading under First Peoples’ Health and Wellbeing.
The completed membership application needs to be received at least 7 days prior to an Access Services for Koories Ltd board meeting. The membership application will be considered for endorsement at an Access Services for Koories Ltd Board Meeting.

If you want to partner with FPHW, please send an email to info@fphw.org.au
Vision, Statement of Purpose and Goals
Vision: Healthcare that meets the health and wellbeing needs of Australian First Peoples
Statement of Purpose: To provide services that meet the health and wellbeing needs of Australian First Peoples
Service delivery that meets the diverse health and wellbeing needs of First Peoples
Right people and skills
Community engagement and cultural healing ways
Best practice in innovation, governance, risk management, financial accountability and evidence gathering